The Benevolent Activities Of Emperor Aśoka As Reflected In His Edict.
Author - Biswarup Chatterjee. Aśoka's governance, deeply rooted in the principles of Dharma, emphasized the welfare and happiness of all beings, including those beyond his empire's borders. He regarded all men as his children and made minimal distinction between humans and animals in his policies. His efforts extended to providing medical care for both humans and animals, ensuring the availability of medicinal herbs, roots, and fruits across his empire and in neighboring regions, particularly to the west and south. “rājāno sarvarta (tra) devānaṃrpi(pri)yasa rpi(pri)yadasino rājo dve cikicch[ā*]katā manusa - cikichā ca pasu - cikichā ca [ī*] asudani [I*] yāni manusopagāni ca [I*]...... mūlaāni ca phalāni ca yata yata nāsti sarvata hārāpitani ca ropāpitāni ca [I*] pamthesū kūpā ca khānāpitā rva(bra)cchā ca ropita[ī] paribhogaya pasu-manusānaṃ [II*] (2nd Rock Edict ). Aśoka undertook several public welfare ...