The Famous Maharaja Nandakumar and His Established Guhyakali:-
Author - BISWARUP CHATTERJEE. Bhadrapur, formerly known as 'Bhadur' Latitude: 24.25948 N 24°15'34.11036" Longitude: 87.94941 E 87°56'57.87492" , is an ancient as well as a prospering village of Birbhum district under West Bengal, India. The village occupies an important position in the history of Bengal, due to a controversial as well as a historical character was born in this village and letter on became famous in the history of Bengal, who is known as Maharaja (King) Nandakumar, probably born in 1705 CE. The king had an incredible sense of patriotism and nationalism, though a number of historians has referred to the patriotic thoughts of Nandakumar as his personal selfishness. It is true that Nandakumar couldn't accept the superiority as well as the principal of Sirajuddolla, the then Nawab of Bengal. He wanted the downfall of the Nawab, parallelly he was also against the British rule in his country, rather he was in favou...